LoRa module is a wireless communication module based on LoRa technology. It has the characteristics of strong anti-interference, high sensitivity, long transmission distance and low power consumption. It is widely used in smart agriculture, vehicle tracking, smart security, smart meter reading, smart city and other fields.


Hardware preparation

LoRa module
Development board (such as Arduino, STM32, etc.)
Dupont line
Other auxiliary tools (such as oscilloscope, power supply, etc.)


Software preparation

AT command manual of LoRa module
Development environment of development board (such as Arduino IDE, STM32CubeMX, etc.)

Connect hardware

Connect the LoRa module to the development board and connect the corresponding pins according to the instructions in the AT command manual.
For example, the common connection method is to connect the RX pin of the LoRa module to the TX pin of the development board, connect the TX pin of the LoRa module to the RX pin of the development board, connect the EN pin of the LoRa module to the 3.3V power supply of the development board, and connect the GND pin of the LoRa module to the GND of the development board.

Configure the LoRa module

Use the serial port debugging software to connect to the LoRa module and send AT commands to configure the module parameters, such as frequency, baud rate, spread factor, etc.